Sunday, February 04, 2007


SuperBowl Interactive

The videos of all those SuperBowl commercials can be found here:

Which is the point of this post. The ads came with an online promotional element. Not only can they be found at Ad Age, but CBS actually had a spot promoting the ads at A nice addition to the :30 buy. This way, we'll find all the ads in once place, nicely sorted by quarter - a great user experience. Well, except they don't use flash video so not everyone can view them at CBS, but Ad Age is available.

So, my point here is that the game within the game of commercial watching and scoring has an integral online element. I'd like to see these work their way into more online channels such as banners.

My take on the ads
Toyota Tundra spots. Well produced, good product demonstration. If I was in the market I'd have to test drive one, what more can you ask from a car commercial.

Best Honorable Mentions:
Coke - Feel good when drinking Coke, nice message and clear presentations
Taco Bell - Not off the wall, but effectively different
Emerald Nuts - It was nuts and it demonstrated a real product value
Heart Association - The most creative of the bunch

eTrade. How many spots did they have? What is their message? I'd think trust and reliability would be important for online security trading, not attitude and "it only takes one finger" to flip off the boss.

Worst Honorable Mentions:
Snicker Kiss - The jokes over, now you're just making people angry or uneasy. Neither is a good advertising objective.
GM's car wash - I don't get it. What is the message? Value proposition is...?
Doritos, Bud and Sierra Mist spots were funny but did nothing toward motivating me. In fact, I had to go back through the list to remember these commercials even aired and each brand aired several spots.

Wild Hogs, what kind of a movie is that going to be?

What are you thinking:
The GM robot. Robot Suicide? Robot line workers getting fired when Human line workers are getting fired everyday?

Not mentioned by anyone else:
Survivor ads. I counted over 5 spots with an internal charge back of over $10 million. Where is the ROI? How many new viewers will be converted to watch the show? How many do they need to justify the cost?

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