Thursday, August 17, 2006


What is Advertising 2.0

Certainly a good place to begin is by defining Advertising 2.0. My concepts of what makes Advertising 2.0, revolve around the advertiser-viewer relationship. Basically, the idea that advertisers need to become involved in their advertising efforts and engage viewers via their banners as they would if the viewer were actually on their web site directly.

In my marketing material I describe it this way, "The web was originally built to publish information, and at its inception, web publishing consisted mostly of promotional web sites and ad banners. Since then, web sites have evolved to include eBusiness applications, integrating core business processes with web technology. As the use of the web has evolved, online advertising has not evolved with it."

Banners are passive representations of their parents, no different then traditional advertising. To be sure, some ads are 'interactive,' but being interactive is not a replacement for being directly active and engaged. Ad networks tend to hold more knowledge about an advertiser's customer then the advertiser does. My point is that advertisers need to have and use technology similar to the ad networks when serving their ads and the ads need to be integrated into their eBusiness system.

Therefore, I present that Advertising 2.0 is active engagement between the advertiser and viewer.


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