Tuesday, November 21, 2006


TRU Media Player Enables Multimedia Advertising Charged on a Timed Basis

CHICAGO, Nov. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- The first media player that combines
downloaded, streaming or live audio and video with integrated direct
response features has been introduced by Performance Communications Group
(PCG). The TRU Media Player features secured data capture, integrated web
conferencing with live service reps, viral tools and a traditional
telephony 'call now' feature. In addition, TRU uniquely allows advertising
over the media player to be charged based on viewer interaction time, not
page views.
The TRU Media Player is available as part of PCG's patent-pending ISAT
solution, which integrates multimedia, security, portability and
advertisers' eBusiness processes into one online user experience. TRU is a
standard application that does not require any coding. Users simply enter
their contact information, email address, video or audio ID from the ISAT
Communications Center, the URL where viewers can learn more and a phone
number for the call now feature.
Big brands and publishers alike have been using the ISAT TRU player
with great success. "ISAT TRU lets us sell video packages to our clients in
ways not available elsewhere," says Derek Bates, director of advertising
sales and strategic partnerships at Builder Homesite, Inc. "We've been able
to combine branding videos with direct response options, providing higher
overall results."
New online advertising model
TRU's unique advertising model is based on viewer interaction time,
typically in intervals of 30, 45 or 60 seconds. Traditional online
advertising models are based on page views. Additionally, TRU maintains an
inventory of past and future advertisements, which can be accessed at any
time by the viewer using the "Last" and "Next" arrows on the media player.
"TRU's interaction time advertising model is superior to the
traditional page view model for a number of reasons," said Scott Madlener,
executive vice president of interactive strategies, Performance
Communications Group. "The timed unit can provide additional inventory
because most viewers will consume more timed units than page view units. In
addition, a continuous connection is established with the site viewer, so
all advertising exposures are of a consistent high quality. With the page
view model, the site viewer may click through multiple pages to move toward
their desired destination and not pay attention to the site content or
For a demonstration of TRU, go to http://www.nhsnewsletter.com and
click on "Builder Videos" and "Product Manufacturer Videos."
About PCG
Performance Communications Group (PCG) brings together technology,
strategies and services to support a broad range of online advertising and
sales efforts. PCG's Internet Secured Application Technology (ISAT) is an
evolution in online advertising that radically improves the relevance and
usefulness of banners for businesses and consumers. Companies such as
Whirlpool Corporation and Sysco Corporation have improved their
communications and driven meaningful ROI utilizing PCG solutions and
strategies. PCG is based in Chicago. Additional information can be found at
http://www.epcg.net .

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


ABM Thought Leadership Breakfast Series

I'll be talking about Advertising 2.0 issues next Wednesday morning for the American Business Media.

Taking it to The Street: How to Jump Start Your Marketing Effort
Date: 11/8/2006 to 11/8/2006
Time: 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM

8:30 am – 9:00 am
Continental Breakfast

9:00 am – 9:15 am
Welcome and Opening Remarks

9:15 am – 10:15am
Speed to Market: Execution - Understanding the Connection Between Execution and Result
Mitch Rouda, President, Mitch Rouda e-Media Consulting
Andrea Mitchell, Founder/CEO, podcastGO
Bruce Bergwall, Director of Business Development, GlobalSpec, Inc.
Scott Madlener, Executive Vice President, Performance Communications Group

10:15 - 10:30 am
Q and A

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